Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Caribbean Cruise: Day 6

September 7, 2012
Grand Cayman Island, Cayman Islands

We got up shortly after sunrise.  Tracy went up on deck to take some photographs.

After getting ready for the day, we went to breakfast in the Truffles dining room.  We met 2 other very nice couples.  Then we went back to our room and read on the balcony until it was time to meet in the Follies Lounge for debarkation.  We headed to the lounge at 10:00 a.m. and right before 10:15 a.m., they called us to go below deck to get on the tender to take us to Grand Cayman Island.  Woo Hoo!!!

View of the ship from our tender.  It was a short ride to shore.

Grand Cayman Island was absolutely gorgeous and we had beautiful weather for our time there.

We met up with the group that was taking a shuttle to Tiki Beach.  It was on the Seven Mile Beach which is a well-known and famous beach.  We left on the bus around 11:00 a.m.  It was a short ride to the beach. 

Iguanas seem to be everywhere in the Caribbean!! 
This one was enjoying the sun.

The beach was fabulous.  We had lounge chairs and rented an umbrella for the day.  They said there is no crime here so we were able to leave our stuff unattended with no problems. 

After lathering up with sunscreen, we took a walk along the beach... beautiful!  The water was so clear and the perfect temperature.

We could see our cruise ship off in the distance...

Then we relaxed in our lounge chairs and enjoyed some complimentary rum punch.  We also took a swim - how wonderful that was!

We lathered up again and took a walk down the beach in the other direction.

After returning to our little spot on the beach, I went swimming again while Tracy relaxed in one of the lounge chairs.  At 2:30 p.m., it was time to get back on the bus and head back to the pier.  We wished we had more time on the beach but later that evening we realized we had spent plenty of time in the sun...

We still had a few hours before we had to get back to the ship so we did some shopping in Georgetown.

There was a cool "pirate" ship in port.  I believe you can do an excursion where you get to go out to sea on it.  Tracy would have loved that!

A little after 4:00 p.m., we headed back to the ship on one of the tenders.  As we were sitting there waiting for everyone to load, I noticed all the fish swimming along side of us.  The water was so clear you could really see them.  It was hard to get a photo but you get the idea...

Here is our cabin...

After enjoying some ice cream and music on the Lido deck, we went back to our room to clean up and shower.  Then it was time for dinner.  We ate in the Truffles dining room a little before 6:00 p.m.  It is so nice to be able to eat whenever we want.  We never had to wait to get a table.  Our wait staff was Jose and Lovalie whom we had before - they are so very nice!  We always asked for a private table just for two - not that we are unsociable but we liked it just being the two of us. 

After dinner, we went to take photos of the sunset - it was so very pretty!

Then we went inside and had some photos taken.  They ended up being great so we used them as our 25th Wedding Anniversary photos:

After the photo session, we went back to our room to rest; Tracy was cold and tired and wanted to rest for a bit.  At 9:00 p.m., we went to the Follies Lounge for a show - Motown.  Then we decided to watch the fun and games in the lobby area: hoola hoop contests, etc.  That was a lot of fun to watch.  Then we went dancing in Medusa's Lair - they were doing a tribute to Michael Jackson.  After dancing for awhile, we went back to our cabin for the night - it was late! We sat out on the balcony talking for awhile before hitting the sack.  What a fabulous day we had!!!

Friday, February 8, 2013

Caribbean Cruise: Day 5

September 6, 2012
Roatan, Honduras

Shorty after waking up this morning, our ship docked at Mahogany Bay on the island of Roatan, Honduras. After breakfast in the dining room, we got ready for our excursion of the day on the beautiful island of Roatan.

Crew on the bridge... (this was taken from our balcony)

Mahogany Bay Cruise Center officially opened in February 2010 and includes a Duty Free store, several jewelers, several restaurants and bars, snack bars, a pharmacy, and a number of souvenir and other tourist-related shops. Adjacent to the Cruise Center is the white sand 10-acre Mahogany Beach, which can be reached on foot or via the "Magic Flying Beach Chair".  This  cruise center cost $62 million dollars to build!!

We went to Tabayan Beach for the day.  It is the best beach on the island!  We took a shuttle to the beach which was on the other side of the island.  A few people we had met previously were also there so that was nice to see familiar faces and have someone to chat with.  They had quite a bit to drink so it was definitely interesting.

The beach was absolutely gorgeous and we had wonderful weather!!!

The water was oh so clear!!!  We could see these fish right by the shore. 

Tracy decided he wanted to try his hand at snorkeling - I was not so keen on the idea. I finally decided to give it a try and it was by far one of the best experiences of my life!! Just wish I had had an underwater camera. The coral reef, the beautiful fish... it was absolutely fantastic!! We snorkeled for close to a couple of hours! We found out later that this was the world's second largest coral reef, housing the largest amount of marine life found in the Caribbean. So glad we decided to snorkel here!!!

We both so enjoyed this day... walking the beach, snorkeling, just relaxing and enjoying the beautiful scenery.  This is what the Caribbean is all about!

Getting ready to board the ship after a wonderful day...

View of the Mahogany Bay beach area from the ship (we did not go there)...

Cruising along...

Enjoying hamburgers and fries for dinner along with a great view...

The upper decks of the ship seem to be quite quiet at night...

Here I am relaxing in one of the deck rocking chairs and just enjoying the quiet evening...

We went to the Follies Show lounge for the evening show:  The Big Easy.  It was quite enjoyable but again, they did not allow photography.

Each evening our cabin steward would turn down our bed, leave the Funtimes newsletter for the next day, leave a couple of mints, and entertain us with adorable animals made from towels...