Sunday, June 3, 2012

Greece & Turkey - Day One

March 24, 2012:
I traveled to Greece and Turkey with my best friend, Brenda.  We went with the same tour guide who took us to Israel/Egypt in 2009 and Europe in 2010.  A lot of the same people were in the tour group.  It was like meeting up with old friends.  We all get along so well.

Brenda's daughter, Katie took us to the airport around 10:30 a.m.  We met up with our group, checked in, went through security.  The first leg of our trip will take us from St. Louis to Chicago.  While waiting for our flight we shared a mushroom/sausage pizza for lunch.  The flight to Chicago was only 1 hour long so we did not worry about sitting by each other. I sat next to a college professor; she was very friendly. 

After arriving in Chicago, we went straight to our gate and started boarding fairly soon.  This leg of our trip takes us from Chicago to Frankfurt, Germany.  This flight was about 8 1/2 hours - long time to be couped up on a plane!!!  Brenda and I did not have seats together but we were able to switch with others so we could sit by each other.  Our seats were at a wall so we had a bit more space. Shortly after takeoff, they brought us drinks and pretzels.   A few hours into the trip, they brought us dinner.  They ran out of chicken meals (seems like that happens quite often) so I had to have the vegetarian meal which was tofu!!  Yuck!!  We enjoyed some hot tea after dinner.  They have the best tea on Lufthansa airlines!!!

After dinner was over, we got up to use the restroom and stretch our legs a bit.  Then we tried to sleep - Brenda, of course, fell asleep immediately - I just managed to rest my eyes. 

I was so excited to be heading to GREECE!!!

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