Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Greece & Turkey: Day Four (afternoon/evening)

March 27, 2012 p.m.
After returning to the ship from Turkey, we dropped our stuff off in our room and went to lunch.  We ate turkey gyros on the Pool Deck with Stan and Linda.  It was a nice lunch with nice conversation.

As the ship went through the Strait of Samos, we went to the front of the ship.  You can see Turkey on the left and Greece on the right. 

We had a short meeting about an excursion tomorrow and then went to the pool deck to relax for awhile.

There was a group of young musicians performing onboard. So, at 2:30 p.m. we went to listen.  They were pretty good!!  It was an enjoyable concert.  They had an orchestra, a band, and a dance group.

Our next stop was the Island of Patmos.  Patmos is a small Greek island in the Agean Sea.  The earliest remains of human settlements date to the Middle Bronze Age (ca 2000 BC). We went to the front of the ship as it approached the island - it was extremely windy!!

Skala, the only commercial port on Patmos.

We took tenders to the island and then took a shuttle to the Holy Grotto of the Apocolypse.  This is where the Apostle John was said to have written the Book of Revelations.  We were unable to take pictures inside.  It was a cave and had a spot carved out in the side which John used as a desk to do his writing.

 Absolutely loved this view:

The windmills of Patmos:

 We also went to the Monastary of St. John the Theologian.

 Brenda and Pam at the port of Patmos:

We then took the shuttle back to the Port of Scala where we had a little time to wander through the village.

Sunset on the Greek Island of Patmos

After returning to the ship, we went to dinner. After dinner, we went and watched the end of a magic show in one of the smaller lounges - pretty lame!  Then we went to the Pool Deck to play Bingo - not enough people wanted to play.  We ended up in one of the dining rooms chatting with some other members of our tour group.  Finally, we decided to go to the Metropolitan Lounge and watch the Greek Show.  At least they were a little better than last night. 

We headed to bed a little after 10 p.m.  We were greeted by this cute little lobster!

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