Friday, January 27, 2012

Ireland: Day 7 (Sept. 17, 2011)

This is our 6th day in Ireland and the driving isn't getting a whole lot easier!  Tracy does say he is a bit more comfortable driving on the left hand side of the road but it still takes great concentration on his part.  The speed limits are just too high and the roads way too narrow!

St. Multose Church in Kinsale, County Cork, built in 1190, has remained in continuous use to the present day.  It was in this church that Prince Rupert proclaimed Charles II as King, after hearing the news that Cromwell had had King Charles I executed in London. Prince Rupert’s fleet was at anchor in Kinsale harbour at the time.

St. John the Baptist Church, Kinsale, was built in 1839.  It has possibly the oldest organ in Ireland.

Desmond Castle, Kinsale, built as a custom house by the Earl of Desmond in 1500. Desmond Castle has had a colourful history, ranging from Spanish occupation in 1601 to use as a prison for captured American sailors during the American War of Independence. 

You can see how narrow the streets are in these Irish towns.  This is a two way street in Kinsale, County Cork.  What do you think???

Courtmacsherry Bay by Timoleague Abbey

Timoleague Abbey was founded by the franciscan order in 1240 A.D. The abbey was built on the site of a monastic settlement founded by Saint Molaga in the 6th century.  In its day it was one of the largest and most important of the religious houses in Ireland.  

Beautiful coastline of Ireland...


Drombeg Stone Circle (also known as The Druid's Altar), is a recumbent stone circle located 1.5 miles east of Glandore, County Cork.  It is one of the most visited megalithic sites in Ireland.  There were only a couple of people when we were there- nice!  The stone circle consists of seventeen closely spaced stones spanning 29 ft in. diameter, of which 13 survive.  The site was excavated and restored in 1958.  Carbon dating of samples taken from the site suggest that it was active around 945 - 830 BC.  It was so cool being at something that was so old!!!  Of course, there was someone sitting in the middle of the circle, meditating.  Why?  I just don't know...

Kilcoe Castle, built in 1450 by the Clan Dermod MacCarthy, has always been one of the best preserved castles in West Cork. It is located on the small rocky island of Mannin Beg overlooking Roaring Water Bay.  In more recent times, the castle has been extensively restored by its present owners actor Jeremy Irons and his actress wife Sinéad Cusack.  Although it was always called Kilcoe Castle it is strictly speaking a Tower House. These were not castles in the pure military sense but functioned as fortified private residences of the local chiefs and families.

More beautiful scenery...

Mizen Head is the most southernly point in Ireland.  In 1906 the Board of Trade together with the Irish Lights Board decided to build a Fog Signal Station on Cloghane Island, Mizen Head. In 1909 the fog signal was established and in bad visual conditions the Keepers manually set off a charge of explosive at three minute intervals. The Arched Bridge was built between 1908 – 1910 to connect the island to the mainland.  It was absolutely gorgeous there!!!  It was VERY windy (as you can see from the photo of me) that I thought my glasses were going to blow off my face!  We didn't see any whales or dolphins but did see a couple of sea lions playing around.  Tracy did not want to leave - he said he could have stayed all day watching the waves crash on the rocks.  What a great place!! 

It was time to head inland to Killarney National Park.  We had rain off and on today but it wasn't too bad.  We drove through the Shelby Mountains - you can see there was heavy cloud cover and rain.

Our first glimpse of Killarney National Park

We will be spending two nights at the Heights Hotel in Killarney.  I had asked our travel agent to make sure we stayed close to the downtown areas so we could easily walk around town to shop and eat.  Well, the Heights Hotel was a ways from the downtown area.  It was getting late, so we just ate in the hotel dining room - rather expensive!!  But it was very nice.

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