Saturday, July 30, 2011

Holy Land Pilgrimage - Final Thoughts

This was a famulous trip! And that doesn't even begin to describe it accurately.

First of all, spending 2 weeks with my dear friend, Brenda was great! We got along perfectly, our morning "getting ready" schedules meshed great, we laughed, we talked, we shared very memorable events. It was wonderful sharing all of this with her.

Secondly, the weather was great! It was a little warmer than we had anticipated but we only had one morning where it misted a little bit. The rest of the time was gorgeous!

Thirdly, this was a wonderful group to tour with. They all welcomed me in with open arms. I felt like I had known them for years. Right off the bat, Greg and I started bantering back and forth - that made it alot of fun. His wife, Kris, was very nice and we chatted a few times. Stan and Linda, Ralph and Kathy, Sharon and Gary, and several others made a point to get to know me. I really liked Sharon - we really hit it off. She is very bubbly and energetic. We just seemed to take to each other.

Lastly, the trip itself was very cool! In Egypt, I loved the pyramids. Going inside one was awesome. Riding a camel was quite the experience. Cairo, though, was a disappointment. 18 million people live there so it was very crowded. 96% live in apartments. It is run down and dirty - they just throw trash everywhere! There are no traffic lights that work and basically no traffic laws - everyone drives where ever and how ever they please. I would hate to drive a car there!

Going to Israel was fantastic. Most of the hotels we stayed in were very nice. Our guide, George, was awesome, a lot of fun, and extremely knowedgable. He made it quite a learning experience. He also had an arsenal of jokes which was great and kept us laughing.

Some of my most memorable places in Israel:
1- boating on the Sea of Galilee - knowing that Jesus had been here: preaching and walking on this very lake.
2- walking the Via Dolorosa - realizing this was the path that Jesus walked, carrying the cross on His way to being crucified: that He did it for ME!!
3- Singing "The Old Rugged Cross" in the very room Jesus was held the night before he was crucified, knowing that it is 99% likely the correct place.

If you ever get a chance to go to the Holy Land... GO! It will be the experience of a lifetime!
Thanks for reading my blog and sharing in this experience with me.

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