Monday, January 31, 2011

2009 Holy Land Pilgrimage - Day One and Two

Monday, March 2nd:

Brenda and I met the tour group at First Baptist Church at 9:00 a.m. We took the church bus to the St. Louis airport. We got all checked in and through security with no problems. Since we had about an hour before the plane started loading, we grabbed some breakfast. When we met up with everyone at the gate, we found out the plane was delayed- instead of flying out at 11:54 a.m., we were now scheduled to take off at 1:30 p.m. After finally boarding the plane, there was a broken seat that had to be fixed so we didn't actually take off until 2:30 p.m. (about 2 1/2 hours late). Our 3 hour layover in Chicago was dwindling down... no time to eat lunch at O'Hare. Good thing we had grabbed breakfast in St. Louis! After landing in Chicago, we took a quick restroom break and scurried to a different concourse. Upon arrival there, we were told that instead of leaving at 3:48 p.m. we weren't scheduled to leave until 4:55 p.m. They had to board 300 passengers so we didn't take off until 5:35 p.m. Brenda was seated several rows behind me. I was sitting with total strangers. Brenda was able to ask some others if they would mind switching seats and came and sat with me. After taking off, the flight attendants came by the pretzels and drinks. The plane we were on was huge! It was 8 seats across. Each seat had its own TV monitor so we could watch TV or movies. There was even a cup holder beside the monitor (nice not to have to have your table down for the drink!). The restrooms on the plane were downstairs. Both Brenda and I watched "Australia". Dinner came during the movie: chicken, rice, a roll, some type of coconut dessert. We shared... she ate my rice and I ate her roll. After dinner we finished watching the movie and then slept - well, I tried to sleep, Brenda was asleep as soon as she closed her eyes.

Tuesday, March 3rd:

They served us breakfast at 6:30 a.m. Frankfort, Germany time BUT it was only 11:30 p.m. our time. I felt like we had just eaten dinner! This day was going to be difficult due to the 8 hour time difference. I was hoping I could sleep some on the flight from Frankfort to Cairo. I was so tired- we were up for the day and it was only midnight back home. Breakfast was a small bowl of fruit, a piece of cheese, a granola bar, and some type of bread and jelly. We finally landed in Frankfort and had to walk quite a distance to get to the next gate. Before going through security, Brenda and I browsed a few shops, bought, wrote and mailed some postcards. We then went through security, got on a bus that took us out to the airplane. We took off just about on time- 10:05 a.m. I once again had to sit with strangers but decided not to try to switch seats since it was only a 3 1/2 hour flight. I watched a movie - "The Women". They served us drinks and pretzels and then lunch: beef goulash, coleslaw, a roll, a tiramasu type dessert, and a candy bar. I didn't eat much - not very tasty! I slept for awhile until we landed in Cairo, Egypt. After landing in Cairo, we got our Egypt visas that were put in our passports. We then had to go through "passport control". We all then needed a restroom break. You had to pay a gal in the restroom in order to get toilet paper and then to get a paper towel - wow!!

Then we got onto the bus for our 1/2 hour drive to the hotel. It took over 2 hours - they have the worst traffic in Cairo!!! No traffic lights work, they ignore lane lines, everyone just does and goes where ever they want! Amazing!! Our tour guide, Hala, gave us a lot of interesting tidbits about Egypt on our 2 hour drive to the hotel. She also told us to only drink bottled water and not to eat lettuce or parsley.

After getting meal instructions, we went to our rooms to get settled in. We are staying 3 nights at the Hilton Pyramid Resort - it was great! The rooms were very nice. Ours overlooked the pool area. We met the rest of our group for dinner at 7:00 p.m. It was a buffet dinner and they had just about anything anyone could want: a variety of salads, over a dozen types of breads and rolls, make your own pasta dish, and slew of desserts. We sat around for awhile talking after dinner with Greg and Kris. Then Brenda and I went through a few of the shops at the hotel and walked around the grounds for some exercise. We were in bed before 10:00 p.m. (6:00 a.m. our normal US time).

Friday, January 21, 2011

Sleepy Hollow Vacation: Day 10

Monday, November 1st:

We got up around 7:00 a.m. and were on the road by 7:45 a.m. It was time to head home. We hit quite a bit of traffic but saw even more heading into New York City! It is quite amazing how many people drive into NYC each day- it was backed up for miles!!

I kept looking for a Dunkin Donuts for breakfast but was afraid to get off the highway and deal with all the traffic. By the time we got past all the traffic... no more Dunkin Donuts!

Since we got such an early start we just drove the entire way home. We didn't want to stop for the night around 6:00 p.m. - that just seemed ridiculous. Due to a closed ramp and no detour signs we ended up having to drive into downtown Chicago - yikes!! At one point, I think there were 10 lanes of traffic with cars merging in on both sides and people driving way over the speed limit. I think I had a full blown panic attack!! I don't think I will ever go down there again. I would rather drive an hour out of the way to bypass Chicago.

We arrived home around 10:15 p.m. It was a wonderful vacation! I hope you have enjoyed reading about it and seeing all the photographs. Thanks for visiting!

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Sleepy Hollow Vacation: Day 9

Sunday, October 31st (Halloween):

Today we wer able to sleep in- that felt really good!! We once again picked up breakfast at McDonalds and headed to Sleepy Hollow for the day.

We checked in for our Phillsburg Manor tour. We were 45 minutes early but they let us go on through. We toured the manor house, the mill, and the barn. The guides in each were dressed in period clothing. It was all very interesting.

Philipsburg Manor was a late 17th century English Manor located north of New York City. The manor comprised about 52,000 acres of land in total. Philipse was granted a royal charter in 1693, creating the Manor of Philipsburg, and making him first lord of the manor. Philipsburg Manor was a farming, milling, and trading center owned by the Philipses, a family of Anglo-Dutch merchants. They rented land to tenant farmers of diverse European backgrounds and relied on a community of 23 enslaved Africans to operate the complex. Philipsburg Manor includes the millpond described in Washington Irving's The Legend of Sleepy Hollow.

The second stop of our day was the Sunnyside Manor. Once again the guides were dressed in period clothing.

Sunnyside Manor was the home of one of America’s first great authors, Washington Irving. Beginning in 1835, Washington Irving expanded a small cottage in stages, combining his sentimental interests in the architecture of colonial New York and buildings he knew in Scotland and Spain. The house became a three-dimensional autobiography. The grounds reflect Washington Irving's romantic view of art, nature, and history. He arranged garden paths, trees and shrubs, vistas, and water features to appear natural, and planted an exotic wisteria vine (still growing) to envelope the house.

Next we stopped at Patriot's Park, the site of the capture during the Revolutionary War of British officer John Andre, who was carrying the plans to West Point provided by Benedict Arnold.

We had an early dinner at the Eldorado Diner- they had great food and great service so we ate there several times on the trip.

After dinner we met Henry Steiner by the Sleepy Hollow Lighthouse. Since he is the village historian, he was able to give us a private tour of the lighthouse - very cool!! We were up in the top of the lighthouse at sunset- it was gorgeous!

After Henry left, Tracy wanted to take a few more pictures. When we went to leave the park, the gates were locked. That was quite irritating because I had seen the ranger drive through the park just a bit earlier so he knew we were in there!! We called Henry and he called the police or ranger to come let us out!

At 7:00 p.m. we went to the Sleepy Hollow Cemetery for a lantern tour. Every two or three people were given gas lanterns and then we walked through the cemetery for about 2 hours. We stopped at significant burial plots. It was pretty cool! Before we left, our group walked down to the replica Headless Horseman Bridge. Lo and behold, while we were there.... the headless horseman galloped by. I believe that was Tracy's highlight of the vacation: in the Sleepy Hollow Cemetery on Halloween night at the headless horseman bridge and the headless horseman rides by! He was in heaven!! My silly, silly husband!!

After the lantern tour, we stopped at the Eldorado Diner to get some dessert to go. They ended up not being very good - very disappointing. We headed back to the Super 8 in Nyack for the night.