Friday, July 9, 2010

2010 European Tour: Day One and Two

June 16 & 17:

We left the Moore's house in St. Peters, MO around 6:15 a.m. and headed to Lambert Airport in St. Louis. We met our group there around 7:00 a.m. After going through security, we grabbed a quick breakfast. Our first flight was at 10:10 a.m. to Chicago. It was only a 40 minute flight so we didn't worry about sitting with our travel buddies. In Chicago we located our next gate and then walked the terminal to pass the time. We also grabbed lunch. Our second flight was at 3:40 p.m. to Frankfort, Germany. Our group had a block of seats together so we were able to switch around and sit with our travel buddies since this was a 7 hour flight. I was thrilled to be assigned a window seat so Brenda came and sat by me. We had dinner around 6:00 p.m. and then at 10:30 p.m., they served us breakfast! I hated that but they wanted to get us on Germany time. The plane was not as big as the one last year. It was a bit cramped and awfully warm. We got up several times just to walk the plane and stretch our legs. We arrived in Frankfort around 6:30 a.m. (Germany time) and had to go through Passport Control and security. Our third flight was to Vienna, Austria at 8:50 a.m. This was a short flight. After arriving in Vienna, we got our baggage, met our tour guide, and exchanged our dollars for euros (expensive!!). We drove to our hotel, Hotel Mecure, and got settled in.
For the afternoon, we were on our own (about 6 hours). Brenda and I walked to the what they call the "shopping street" and got some lunch. Then we walked along going through some of the shops. There were some very cool buildings on this street! We then returned to our room to write and mail some postcards. Dinner was at 6:15. We met our group in a very nice dining room at the hotel.
After dinner, a group of us went back to the "shopping street" to get ice cream. There was a group of musicians performing on the street (in German, of course). People were dancing. It was fun to watch a bit of Vienna nightlife. (I tried to upload a video of the musicians and dancing, but it didn't work - I am new to all of this...) We had tried to stay busy for the day so when we got back to our hotel around 9:00 p.m., we crashed!! We had been up for a very long time!!

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