Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Caribbean Cruise: Day 7

September 8, 2012
Day at Sea

We slept in a bit today since it was a day at sea.  Then it was breakfast in the Truffles dining room - we asked for a private table this morning.  After breakfast, we got a few more pictures around the ship.

Glass elevators in the main lobby - realized later that we never did ride on these!  We always took the stairs - had to work off all those yummy desserts!!

Colossus of Rhodes- was a statue of the Greek Tital Helios, erected in the city of Rhodes on the Greek island of Rhodes by Chares of Lindos between 292 and 280 BC. It is considered one of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World. It was constructed to celebrate Rhodes' victory over the ruler of Cyprus, whose son unsuccessfully besieged Rhodes in 305 BC. Before its destruction in the earthquake of 226 B.C., the Colossus of Rhodes stood over 98.4 ft high, making it one of the tallest statues of the ancient world.  (I got to see where this statue once stood when I was in Greece in March 2012!)

Photo from my trip to Greece - this is where the Colossus once stood...

We spent some time during the day reading and relaxing on our balcony.  It was a beautiful day and the sea was very calm once again.  I don't think I will be able to take another cruise unless I get a balcony cabin - it was so wonderful!!

Some of the food "sculptures" in the cafeteria

Today, they had a chocolate fountain so of course we had to indulge ourselves... it was quite tasty!!!

After lunch and after enjoying the yummy chocolate fountain, we went and watched the pool games.  They got 4 women volunteers and 4 men volunteers.  They had to pick a song, pick a name for their team, and come up with a sychronized swimming routine.  It was hilarious!  The women weren't too bad but the men did a fabulous job!  I can't remember what the women's team was called but the men called themselves "the water lilies".  It was fun to watch!

Still enjoying the calm seas...

We took our daily walk around the ship - 1 mile...

Later in the afternoon it was time for Zumba again.  I LOVE Zumba!  This time I was more prepared - wore my workout clothes and shoes!  It was a good time and good exercise!

We spent some time relaxing down by the pool.  It was a gorgeous day.

My favorite saying applies right here:  "Just because you can... doesn't mean you should!"  I mean, really - what was this gal thinking...

For a good portion of each day, they had DJ's playing music on the pool decks...

We had to wait about an hour for dinner this evening because we really wanted to sit with our regular server team.  They only had one "two person" table and we really didn't want to sit with others tonight.  So we waited...
All the servers sang a song to the guests "Leaving on a cruise ship" (instead of Leaving on a jet plane).  Lovalie "cried" because she was gonna miss us so much - cute!

Tracy and I with our wonderful dining room team!  They were fabulous!

Late at night the pool area is very quiet!

We went to the Follies Lounge after dinner and watched the end of "The Gender Showdown" - when we got there, they had the girls dressing up a gal like a man and the men dressing a guy up like a woman.  They could only use what was in the lounge, they borrowed whatever they could find from the people watching.  One gal actually had eyeliner with her so they gave the gal a moustache!  It was pretty funny to watch...

After walking around the ship a bit more, we went to the last show in the Follies Lounge called the "Carnival Legends".  I really hate that you cannot take pictures during the shows!  They did a good job; it was quite enjoyable.

Here is a photo of our bathroom; while not huge, it was still a good size with plenty of space.

Well, tomorrow we arrive in Tampa in the morning.  It is sad to see the cruise end  - we had an absolutely fabulous time!!!  Now it was time to pack up all our stuff and get a good night's sleep. 
Our last towel art - a stingray.